
Chat with Amazon: It's time to dump Trump

Chat with Amazon: It's time to dump Trump

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    Chat with Amazon: It's time to dump Trump

    Amazon Chat Instructions

    Amazon pays extra attention to what its customers have to say through customer chats, and with all of us reaching out directly, our message will be loud and clear.

    Will you chat with an Amazon customer service agent now? Here's what to do:

    1) Log in and get started here.

    2) Select the fourth box, "Prime or Something Else." 

    3) Under "Tell us more about your issue," select "More non-order questions."

    4) Then select "Other non-order question" when a new drop down menu appears.

    5) Click the yellow chat box and a new window will appear where you can send your message.

    It's always best to speak in your own words, but here are some points you can share with the customer service agent:

    • This isn't about partisan politics. Donald Trump's sexism, racism, and xenophobia have crossed too many lines, and Amazon shouldn't be profiting from it.
    • Last year, Macy's stopped selling Trump's menswear line after he made racist comments about Mexicans. What will it take for Amazon to do the right thing and follow Macy's lead?
    • Trump has been inciting violence at his rallies. That's not ok, and no company should associate with it. Dump Trump now.
    • Here's a link to the products, if the customer service rep asks for it: http://bit.ly/TrumpOnAmazon
      Remember: Be polite. The agents you are chatting with can pass on our important message, but giving them low reviews only hurts them, not Amazon