
Rape Culture: Learn More and Share

Rape Culture: Learn More and Share

Sexual harassment and assault are happening at epidemic proportions, yet when women speak out they are too often not believed or are shamed into silence. UltraViolet members are working to change that.

But too many people still don't know about this problem or how widespread it is. This graphic can help fix that--will you share it with your friends?

After you share this graphic, check down below for more resources, graphics, and videos.


Rape Culture: Learn More and Share

Sexual harassment and assault are happening at epidemic proportions, yet when women speak out they are too often not believed or are shamed into silence. UltraViolet members are working to change that.

But too many people still don't know about this problem or how widespread it is. This graphic can help fix that--will you share it with your friends?

After you share this graphic, check down below for more resources, graphics, and videos.


Rape Culture: Learn More and Share


  1. Sexual Harassment statistics, Atlantic Training, Accessed on October 15, 2017
  2. Study finds 75 percent of workplace harassment victims experienced retaliation when they spoke up, Vox.com, October 15, 2017
  3. 1 In 3 Women Has Been Sexually Harassed At Work, According To Survey, Huffington Post, February 19, 2015
  4. RAINN statistics, RAINN, Accessed on October 15, 2017
  5. Sexual assault definition, Merriam-Webster, Accessed on October 15, 2017
  6. Sexual harassment definition, Oxford Dictionaries, Accessed on October 15, 2017

  7. Graphics


    Resources and Statistics
