Image of Donald Trump at a podium, pointing at a crowd

No president is above the law. Pass the No Kings Act now.

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    No president is above the law. Pass the No Kings Act now.

    The petition to Congress reads:

    No president is above the law. Do everything in your power to pass the No Kings Act immediately.

    Why is this important?

    Donald Trump is a shameless liar and abuser indicted for fraud. He shouldn’t be allowed to run for president or take the Oval Office again. But the far-right stacked Supreme Court, including three Trump-appointed justices, issued a ruling in July that grants presidents immunity for crimes committed as official acts while in office. This decision sets a dangerous precedent and is a direct affront to our democracy.

    In an attempt to reverse this staggering Supreme Court decision, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduced a bill to reaffirm that U.S. presidents do not have immunity for criminal actions. 

    The No Kings Act would protect our democracy from would-be dictators like Donald Trump. Sign now to tell Congress: Pass the No Kings Act now. No president is above the law.

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