Demand Netflix, Bacardi, and Mercedes-Benz stop funding lies about Kamala

Demand Netflix, Bacardi, and Mercedes-Benz stop funding lies about Kamala

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    Demand Netflix, Bacardi, and Mercedes-Benz stop funding lies about Kamala

    Tell Netflix, Bacardi, Mercedes-Benz, Premier Lincoln, and other companies to cut ties with the New York Post and denounce its racist and sexist attack on Kamala Harris.

    Netflix, Bacardi, Mercedes-Benz, Premier Lincoln, The CW Network and other major corporations are funding the New York Post's racist and sexist lies about Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Why is this important?

    Netflix, Bacardi, Mercedes-Benz, Premier Lincoln, The CW Network and other major corporations are funding the New York Post's racist and sexist lies about Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Earlier this week, the New York Post knowingly and intentionally published false information--based on racist and sexist stereotypes--about Vice President Harris.

    The vicious lie--which implied that Vice President Harris was profiting from selling the children's book she wrote to migrant detention centers--spread like wildfire across the right-wing media, and was even shared as fact by the Republican National Committee. Yet, the New York Post has done nothing to retract or apologize for this racist and sexist attack on the first woman of color vice president. The newspaper must be held accountable for fabricating a scandal regarding Vice President Harris and immigration. Together, we can hit the Post and its advertisers where it hurts: their wallets.

    Major corporations, including Netflix, Bacardi, Mercedes-Benz, Pop TV, Bloomingdale's, and The CW Network are big advertising partners for the New York Post. The Post relies on them to make a profit and keep printing lies like the one attacking Vice President Harris. 

    The New York Post knowingly published a false story in an attempt to defame the first woman of color to serve as vice president.5 It's no coincidence that this disinformation campaign is attacking Vice President Harris by alleging she is profiting from "welcoming" unaccompanied minor immigrants. This line of attack is rooted in sexist ideas about women as motherly figures and racist ideas about people of color as "disloyal" or not "real Americans," and are all intended to undermine the leadership of women of color in politics. It's alarming that major brands continue to give the newspaper credibility and financial support by advertising with it. 

    We know that advertiser boycotts work. Activists forced hundreds of advertisers to cut ties with far-right media figures Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh, and with the Breitbart website, and just last summer the Facebook advertising boycott cost Facebook $72 billion. Together, we can push major companies like Netflix, Bacardi, Mercedes-Benz, Pop TV, Bloomingdale's, and The CW Network to cut their advertising relationships with the New York Post.

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