
Survivors need support, not jail time. Judge Collins must go.

Survivors need support, not jail time. Judge Collins must go.

Tell the 18th Judicial Circuit Court:

"A judge who harasses and jails a domestic violence survivor doesn't belong on the bench. Judge Jerri Collins must go."
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    "You think you have anxiety now? You haven't seen anxiety."

    That's what Florida judge Jerri Collins told a domestic violence survivor before sending her to jail for three days. Her crime? She was too scared to testify against her abusive husband.

    This isn't an isolated incident. Survivors of domestic abuse often face prison time, and some for longer than the actual abusers. Survivor Marissa Alexander was threatened with 60 years in prison for trying to protect herself--until UltraViolet members spoke out. We can help again and make sure Judge Collins is held accountable--sending a message that we won't stand for courts that punish rather than support survivors. Will you sign the petition asking for Judge Collins to be kicked off the bench?