Tell Steam, TikTok, and YouTube to stop Gamergate 2.0

Tell Steam, TikTok, and YouTube to stop Gamergate 2.0

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    Tell Steam, TikTok, and YouTube to stop Gamergate 2.0

    Our petition to Steam, TikTok, and Youtube reads:

    Immediately ban forums and videos that promote misogyny and racism against women gamers.

    Why is this important?

    Sweet Baby Inc., a pioneering video game consulting company co-founded by a Black woman, is facing a disturbing campaign aimed at intimidating Black women game developers, journalists, and gamers with threats of violence and death. This harassment has prompted Black Girl Gamers, an organization supporting Black women gamers, to issue a cease-and-desist letter.

    On platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Steam, videos featuring predominantly cis white male gamers advocating for the bullying of Sweet Baby employees and Black women gamers have garnered millions of views. Steam has allowed a central forum for these attacks to amass over 350,000 participants.

    We cannot tolerate the perpetuation of misogyny and racism against women gamers on these platforms. Steam, TikTok, and YouTube must take immediate action to ban forums and videos promoting such harmful behavior.

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