
Tell Congress: Stop white nationalist violence!

Tell Congress: Stop white nationalist violence!

Tell Congress:

"Denounce Trump's hate speech and pass comprehensive gun control laws."
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    US Capitol

    This weekend at least 31 people were murdered and dozens more were injured in the El Paso and Dayton shootings. 31 people's lives were stolen, and many more changed forever due to hatred and easy access to guns. We may never know the final count because reports show that some undocumented immigrants injured in the El Paso shooting may have avoided seeking medical care for fear of deportation.

    In a story that's now all too familiar, both shooters had a history of violence. While in high school, it was well known that the Dayton shooter kept a "kill list" and a list of female classmates he wanted to sexually assault. The El Paso shooter wrote a racist, anti-immigrant "manifesto" before he opened fire. Here's what it comes down to--when violent racist and sexist people get access to guns, they can kill many people. And Trump, despite his attempts to say otherwise, is stoking the flame. 

    These are difficult and painful times, but it's not hopeless. There are renewed calls for Congress to pass meaningful gun reform. Congress must do everything in its power to to denounce Trump's brand of racism that inspires shooters like the one the El Paso. Plus, they can pass common-sense gun safety laws to make it harder for potential shooters to get deadly weapons. There is momentum right now--join in and demand action from Congress