Tell Big Tech: A diverse workforce is good for business
The petition to Big Tech companies, including Google and Meta, reads:
Hiring a diverse workforce is good for business. We urge you to reinstate your policies to hire and support women, LGBTQ+ workers, workers of color, and workers with disabilities.
Mark Zuckerberg is worried there isn't enough "masculine energy" in Big Tech.
Despite women making up only about a third of computer programmers in America (and only 1 in 10 of roles), the Meta CEO has decided his Big Tech corporations are being "neutered" and need more "aggression"--so he's dismantled the team devoted to diverse hiring.
It's not just Zuckerberg, either. Ever since Donald Trump was elected, many of the nation's billion-dollar Big Tech corporations, including Google and Amazon, are taking the opportunity to scrap their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts--and women are going to suffer as a result.
Women and gender-expansive people have been chipping away at the tech gender gap for more than two decades, and we can't afford to lose that progress now. Will you join our call for Big Tech to maintain inclusive employment practices?