Mobilize to protect abortion rights

Mobilize to protect abortion rights

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    Mobilize to protect abortion rights

    I support abortion access for all, and will fight to defend and expand it.

    Why is this important?

    According to a leaked draft opinion, the Supreme Court is poised to completely overturn Roe v. Wade. This is the nightmare scenario we hoped wouldn't come, but this unprecedented leak gives us time to mobilize now, ahead of the the Court's final decision

    We MUST show up and mobilize. Sign up to defend our rights!

    There will be more protests and opportunities to take action in the days and weeks to come, including on May 14th, and after an official Supreme Court decision. Please spread the word far and wide—share this page with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, and text or email the link to anyone you think might join you in committing to take action!

    Thank you for pledging to take action with us!  

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