Tell the Senate: Cancel Recess and Get to Work on Gun Violence!

Tell the Senate: Cancel Recess and Get to Work on Gun Violence!

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    Tell the Senate: Cancel Recess and Get to Work on Gun Violence!

    Tell your senator:

    Cancel recess, including all vacation plans, until you take action to curb gun violence!

    Why is this important?

    It is absolutely stunning, horrific, and galling that the Senate plans to take a 10-day break, immediately following two of the bloodiest and deadliest mass shootings in recent history. If the murders of 19 elementary school children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, and white-supremacist shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., that killed 10 grocery shoppers, don't warrant urgent action, then what does?!

    The Senate is skipping town because they are confident that we, their constituents, will not notice. They. Are. Wrong. 

    Add your name along with hundreds of thousands of other voters demanding that all senators remain at work until they pass commonsense gun legislation. 


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