The New Mexico Paid Family & Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) would create a program, administered by the state, to provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave for employees to care for a new child, a family member with a serious health concern, or their own medical condition.
The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not guarantee paid family leave to new mothers. Only 14 U.S. states offer a paid leave program--let's make New Mexico the 15th state to offer one!
There are soooo many advantages to offering people paid family leave to care for themselves, a new baby, or a sick relative. For one, child health outcomes are better in states that offer parents paid family leave because parents can attend well-baby visits and meet immunization schedules. Paid family leave is also associated with fewer health and behavioral problems in children.
Paid family leave is good for adults, too. People with health issues return to work more quickly--and with improved outcomes--following paid leave.
Not only is paid leave indispensable for improving public health outcomes, but it also provides a big boost to the economy. California's paid leave program has cut nursing home use by 11%--major savings for families and taxpayers. It also cuts down on hospitalizations in general, and increases women's participation in the formal workplace. It is estimated that the boost in women's labor participation alone adds $775 billion to the U.S. economy.
We're ready for New Mexico to become the 15th state to offer paid family leave! The state Legislature has six weeks to pass this bill. If you live in New Mexico, sign the petition now--by filling out the form on the lefthand side--to signal your support!