Facebook: Shut down the Trump ad loophole!

Facebook: Shut down the Trump ad loophole!

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    Facebook: Shut down the Trump ad loophole!

    Demand that Facebook close the ad loophole and kick Trump out!

    Why is this important?

    Donald Trump may have been banned from Facebook for two years, but he’s still there. Due to a giant loophole in the ban, Trump’s fundraising organization is plastering his posts all over Facebook, and the social media giant couldn’t care less.

    Trump used Facebook and other social media platforms to help drive the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Nearly two-thirds of Republicans still think the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. And now, legislatures around the country have introduced more than 400 voter suppression bills, fueled by the Big Lie from Trump. These bills overwhelmingly hurt Black, Indigenous, and people of color’s opportunities to vote.

    Trump's super PAC shouldn't be allowed to circumvent the ban, but the former president is excellent for Facebook’s business, which traffics in inflammatory content and controversy, no matter whom it hurts. That’s why UltraViolet has joined a coalition making a public call for Facebook to close the ad loophole by applying the same content moderation--and bans--to Facebook pages run by PACS as it does for individuals.

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