Tell Congress to publish the Equal Rights Amendment!

Tell Congress to publish the Equal Rights Amendment!

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    Tell Congress to publish the Equal Rights Amendment!

    This petition to Congress reads:

    "All of the requirements of Article 5 to establish an amendment to the Constitution have been met. We won't tolerate any more delays. Publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) now!"

    Why is this important?

    Just to show you the wisdom of our foremothers, three years after they fought for the right to vote in 1920, they demanded to establish equal rights on the basis of sex in the Constitution. They proposed a constitutional amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), that would have prevented all of today's attacks on reproductive rights. 

    In 1972, the ERA passed both chambers of Congress and was sent to the states for ratification. Initially, it garnered a whopping 35 of 38 states needed for ratification. However, private industry, led by the Chamber of Commerce, wanted to continue discriminating against women in the workplace. So they heavily lobbied against the ERA and killed it.

    It took almost 50 years for the 38th state, Virginia, to ratify the ERA in 2020 and now the ball is in Congress' court. Sign the petition to tell Congress: It's time to publish the ERA without delay! 

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