
Congress: Provide Emergency Funding to Stop Domestic Violence During COVID-19

Congress: Provide Emergency Funding to Stop Domestic Violence During COVID-19

Tell Congress:

Provide emergency funding to fight the domestic and sexual violence crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Congress: Provide Emergency Funding to Stop Domestic Violence During COVID-19

    There is another epidemic that is endangering lives, and not enough people are talking about it: Domestic violence is on the rise across the country.

    Crime statistics have plummeted in every major city after nationwide lockdowns, but there has been a sharp, alarming rise in domestic and sexual violence as shelters and service providers scramble to set up remote services while dealing with a loss of funding and huge budget cuts.


    Women are "whispering to avoid being heard by their partner in the room next-door," and they are using code words at pharmacies. They are getting hurt but avoiding the emergency room because of fears of contracting the coronavirus. They are no longer able to seek refuge with family members because of fears of exposing vulnerable populations. 

    We need to tackle this crisis. Congress must provide emergency funding so that domestic violence shelters and services can amplify remote help, secure additional space to provide safe shelters with social distancing, and help survivors secure unemployment assistance, protection from immigration enforcement when they seek help, and other critical measures.

    But Congress needs to act NOW. Members of Congress are discussing the next coronavirus relief bill right this moment, and we need to make sure critical funding for domestic violence services is part of the plan.