
Hobby Lobby: Drop your suit or I'm dropping your store

Hobby Lobby: Drop your suit or I'm dropping your store

Our message to Hobby Lobby CEO David Green

"All women deserve affordable access to birth control and it's a woman's personal, medical decision on which form to use. I won’t be shopping at your store until you drop this suit, and I’ll be telling my friends to do the same."

    Hobby Lobby, an arts and crafts retailer founded by evangelical Christians, just announced that it's suing the government over certain women's health provisions of the Affordable Care Act--mainly, they don't want to have to provide their employees with insurance coverage for some forms of birth control, like IUDs or the morning after pill

    If they win, the result could be devastating for women. 

    We've got to speak up. Hobby Lobby is a business like any other, and depends on its customers and good public relations to be successful. If enough of us speak out and show Hobby Lobby's Chief Executive David Green that the public is outraged by this move, they might have to back off, and it might make other companies less likely to try the same thing.