CALL YOUR REPS NOW to pass the Location Shield Act!

CALL YOUR REPS NOW to pass the Location Shield Act!

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    CALL YOUR REPS NOW to pass the Location Shield Act!

    Every day, unregulated data brokers buy and sell personal location data from apps on our cellphones, exposing where we live, work, play, pick up our kids from school, and seek health care.1 To protect our privacy, safety, access to abortion and other essential health care, Massachusetts needs to ban this practice NOW by passing the Location Shield Act (H.357/S.148).

    But we only have until the end of the legislative session, and that's less than one month away. That’s why we’re asking YOU to please call on your MA reps to pass the Location Shield Act before it’s too late. Doing so will protect abortion patients, abortion providers, and all Bay Staters. 

    Complete the form on the lefthand side of this page to be connected to [YOUR STATE REP] now to ensure that they support the Location Shield Act (H.357/S.148) that would ban corporations from selling our personal location data and protect abortion patients and providers!

    Once you submit your information, you will immediately receive a call on your phone connecting you to your legislator. Keep your phone on you as you complete the form and keep this page open for the script below. 

    Call Script

    It's best to speak in your own words, but here are some points to get you started.

    Hi. My name is [YOUR NAME], and I live in [YOUR CITY].

    I'm calling to urge [YOUR STATE REP] to support the Location Shield Act (H.357/S.148), the bill that would ban corporations from selling our personal location data. Every minute of every day, our cellphones keep track of where we go. This information reveals some of the most sensitive and intimate details about our lives, and it's unacceptable that companies profit off of that information while putting the lives of abortion patients and providers at risk.

    Can I count on you to support the Location Shield Act?

    Thanks so much for your time.

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