
How Trump's gag rule is terrible for women

How Trump's gag rule is terrible for women

Trump's attempts to silence doctors and other medical staff, shutting down clinics in the process, are outrageous.

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How Trump's gag rule is terrible for women

Trump's attempts to silence doctors and other medical staff, shutting down clinics in the process, are outrageous.

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How Trump's gag rule is terrible for women


1. Trump Rule Would Bar Some Abortion Advice at Federally Funded Clinics, New York Times, May 22, 2018

2. The Irreplaceable Role of Planned Parenthood Health Centers, Planned Parenthood, accessed May 18, 2018

3. Family Planning Annual Report: 2016 National Summary, RTI International, accessed May 17, 2018

4. What is Trump's "Gag Rule?”, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, May 18, 2018