
It's time to fight back

It's time to fight back

If you're angry, scared, or despairing:

Pledge to stop Donald Trump.
    Not ? Click here.

    You already know this: Once he takes office, Donald Trump will come after everything we've fought hard for.

    With a Republican Congress in Trump's arsenal, every single thing he has promised isn't just a horrifying possibility--they will be fights we are going to face in his first 100 days.

    A 20-week ban on abortion. Repealing Obamacare. Defunding Planned Parenthood. Making an ultra-conservative Supreme Court. Deporting immigrant families. You name it.

    If you're angry, scared, or despairing, we need you. Now and through the next four years, we need you. And the only way to fight attacks on our humanity from the Trump administration is together.

    Will you pledge to fight back against a racist, misogynistic, and hateful Trump administration?