
Which Presidential Campaigns Have The Worst Pay Gaps?

Which Presidential Campaigns Have The Worst Pay Gaps?

The truth about how women are paid and promoted in presidential campaigns is kind of mind-blowing. Despite constant media scrutiny, hardly anyone knows how much anti-woman discrimination is happening inside the top presidential campaigns—in BOTH parties.

Which Presidential Campaigns Have The Worst Pay Gaps?

The truth about how women are paid and promoted in presidential campaigns is kind of mind-blowing. Despite constant media scrutiny, hardly anyone knows how much anti-woman discrimination is happening inside the top presidential campaigns—in BOTH parties.

Which Presidential Campaigns Have The Worst Pay Gaps?

It's not all bad news, however. Hillary Clinton isn't included above because she has the most women in her leadership team. And despite not having women amongst his top paid staff, Bernie Sanders actually pays women $700 more than he pays men, on average.



1. An Investigation: Which Presidential Campaigns Have the Largest Gender Wage Disparities?, Jezebel, March 15, 2016