
Ending this law will help over 5 MILLION women!

Ending this law will help over 5 MILLION women!

What's hurting more than FIVE million women, but most of your friends don't know about?

A terrible law called the "Hyde amendment," which denies abortion services to women relying on public health insurance (like Medicaid and Obamacare).

It came about because of anti-abortion extremists, and it's been around for forty years. That's why Hillary Clinton boldly calling for its repeal is a HUGE, awesome deal. Let's thank Hillary for her commitment to the choices of ALL women and spread the word so as many people as possible know about the harmful impacts of this law.


Ending this law will help over 5 MILLION women!

What's hurting more than FIVE million women, but most of your friends don't know about?

A terrible law called the "Hyde amendment," which denies abortion services to women relying on public health insurance (like Medicaid and Obamacare).

It came about because of anti-abortion extremists, and it's been around for forty years. That's why Hillary Clinton boldly calling for its repeal is a HUGE, awesome deal. Let's thank Hillary for her commitment to the choices of ALL women and spread the word so as many people as possible know about the harmful impacts of this law.


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Ending this law will help over 5 MILLION women!


Hyde Amendment, Planned Parenthood, accessed January 19, 2016

Coverage for Abortion Services, The Kaiser Family Foundation, September 19, 2014

State Funding of Abortion Under Medicaid, The Kaiser Family Foundation, October 1, 2015

How the Hyde Amendment Discriminates Against Poor Women and Women of Color, The Center for American Progress, May 10, 2013