
The BE HEARD Act is a big deal

The BE HEARD Act is a big deal

The BE HEARD in the Workplace Act is a landmark bill that will overhaul workplace harassment laws and protect millions more workers -- but only if we spread the word and build the pressure necessary to make it a priority in Congress.

We've pulled together five reasons your friends should care about BE HEARD in one simple, easy-to-read graphic. Can you help get the word out by sharing this graphic?

The BE HEARD Act is a big deal

The BE HEARD in the Workplace Act is a landmark bill that will overhaul workplace harassment laws and protect millions more workers -- but only if we spread the word and build the pressure necessary to make it a priority in Congress.

We've pulled together five reasons your friends should care about BE HEARD in one simple, easy-to-read graphic. Can you help get the word out by sharing this graphic?

The BE HEARD Act is a big deal


The BE HEARD Act Will Overhaul Workplace Harassment Laws, ACLU, April 10, 2019