
McDonald's: Give Workers Paid Leave Protections Now

McDonald's: Give Workers Paid Leave Protections Now

Tell McDonald's:

Provide all employees with paid sick and family leave.
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    McDonald's: Give Workers Paid Leave Protections Now

    McDonald's employees are essential workers showing up to their jobs in the middle of a global pandemic. Yet they are having to strike for even basic protections. 92% of McDonald's workers surveyed said they haven't even received masks. And as of April, employees across twelve different states had tested positive for COVID-19.

    We know the COVID-19 crisis is hitting Black and Latinx communities the hardest and impacting women the most--women and people of color make up the majority of workers on the frontline, including at McDonald's. One of the wealthiest corporations on the planet is turning its back on its nearly 800,000 employees and on the health of all of us. 

    These workers who get sick are faced with an impossible choice--keep working while sick or lose their job. This endangers the health of everyone. 

    McDonald's could literally save lives right now by taking action. But that won't happen unless McDonald's executives know thousands of us are watching. That's why we're joining our friends at the ACLU, Fight for $15, and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to demand McDonald's do the right thing. Will you add your name?