Action Needed: Help #CodifyConsent in New York!

Action Needed: Help #CodifyConsent in New York!

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    Action Needed: Help #CodifyConsent in New York!

    Tell the New York State Legislature:

    Consent is a freely given, knowledgeable, and informed agreement. Pass bill A.6540A to #CodifyConsent!

    Why is this important?

    Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and other men in power claim to be confused as to what consent means. "It is just I'm totally confused and I think men are confused about all of these issues," Weinstein said at his sentencing in 2020.

    Similarly, when Cuomo resigned over multiple sexual harassment allegations against him last month, he said, "In my mind, I've never crossed the line with anyone. But I didn't realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn. There are generational and cultural shifts that I just didn't fully appreciate."

    Full stop. Legal and policy experts agree: "Consent is a freely given, knowledgeable, and informed agreement."

    It's time to get every New Yorker on the same page and update the state's laws to reflect this definition of consent. Help #CodifyConsent by signing the petition on the left to urge New York state legislators to pass bill A.6540A.

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