
Dispute over Violence Against Women Act roils budget talks

Susan Brooks

Congressional leaders are still haggling over an extension of the landmark Violence Against Women Act — one of the final hold-ups in a funding deal to avert a shutdown on Friday.

The parties are clashing on multiple fronts, as Republicans and Democrats fight over whether — and how — to expand protections for victims of domestic violence in the #MeToo era.

One dispute centers on a Democratic push to add protections for transgender people, which the GOP is resisting; meanwhile, Republicans want more time to negotiate a broader deal, according to lawmakers and aides.

The fight broke into the open Wednesday as negotiators were closing in on a final spending agreement, with GOP leaders accusing Democrats of scuttling a temporary extension of the Violence Against Women Act in an attempt to add new provisions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claimed Speaker Nancy Pelosi “is objecting to a modest extension” of the act, adding, “Republicans believe that we should follow standard procedure and extend this important legislation through the end of this fiscal year, which is about seven months.”

The fate of the 1994 domestic violence law has been in flux for months. Congress was supposed to reauthorize the measure by September but has passed short-term patches.

“I think we ought to try to get as much as we can in it, but I don’t want it to lapse in any way,” Rep. Ann Kuster (D-N.H.), one of the champions of the bill, said Wednesday. She added that she has not been briefed about recent leadership decisions. “We should get the maximum bill we can, as soon as possible.”

Lawmakers and aides said Congress is likely to pass another short-term punt on the domestic violence law and authorize it through September — a potentially embarrassing move for lawmakers at a time when record numbers of women are serving in office and sexual abuse accusations are in the spotlight.

House Democrats plan to use the extra time to push for a broader overhaul of the law, which they have said has taken on urgency as growing numbers of women go public with their stories.

“At the end of this month, the funding is running out,” Rep. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.), another advocate for the law, said. “I just want to make sure it gets funded for a period of time, while we work out the substantive issues.”

Democrats’ leading proposal, drafted by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, would expand the law to protect victims of domestic violence and stalking from being evicted from their homes.

More controversially, it would also include “red flag” provisions, which tighten gun laws for people convicted of dating violence and stalking.

Advocates like the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence have opposed short-term extensions, insisting that Congress focus on upgrading the law.

Funding for the law’s grants and services have not been at risk because Congress had already agreed on funding levels, though some programs had been effected by the recent shutdown.