
Last chance to save the Affordable Care Act

Last chance to save the Affordable Care Act

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    This week, the Senate will vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with Trumpcare. So now is the last chance to call.

    Mariana in Youngstown, Ohio, is depending on you to call. Mariana has a pre-existing condition (multiple sclerosis) and Trumpcare means her insurer can refuse to cover her condition. Jamie in Phoenix is also depending on you--Jamie's struggle with endometriosis and ovarian cysts means she needs the ACA's guarantee of no-copay birth control just to make it to work each day. Meanwhile, Theresa in Reno, Nevada, has a 2-year-old child, Dean, who was born with a special heart condition and is depending on the ACA for his third surgery scheduled to happen in the next year. If Trumpcare passes, annual and lifetime caps on benefits will return, and Dean's surgery could send Theresa and her family into bankruptcy.

    All of these people are UltraViolet members with senators who either remain undecided on Trumpcare or need to be reminded of their commitment to voting no--just like your senator. Your call could make the difference we need to protect the Affordable Care Act. Can you make a call NOW?