No, Ben Carson, abortion is not like slavery. Only slavery is like slavery. But that's not the only horrible thing he has said.
No, Ben Carson, abortion is not like slavery. Only slavery is like slavery. But that's not the only horrible thing he has said.
1. 13 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Actually Believes, ThinkProgress, October 26, 2015
2. Ben Carson tells Bill O’Reilly: ‘I’m not sure’ that domestic violence is widespread, Raw Story, September 11, 2014
3. Carson: Women Who Have Abortions Are Like Slaveowners, ThinkProgress, October 25, 2015
4. Ben Carson connects violence to 'women's lib movement', MSNBC, December 2, 2014
5. 13 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Actually Believes, ThinkProgress, October 26, 2015