
Governor Rauner: Preserve access to abortion by passing HB 40

Governor Rauner: Preserve access to abortion by passing HB 40

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    With a new, thoroughly anti-choice judge on the Supreme Court, the state of Illinois is preemptively fighting back to ensure a woman's right to safe, legal abortion is protected statewide. Pro-choice champions in the legislature are about to pass a bill that will keep abortion legal if Roe v. Wade is overturned.

    BUT, recently, Governor Bruce Rauner announced that he will veto this bill--despite claiming to be an advocate for reproductive rights and health care during his campaign.

    Gov. Rauner's reversal has sent a shock wave through the state. But all over the country, people have proven that public pressure works--from saving the last abortion clinic in Kentucky to stopping Trump's Muslim travel ban, and everything in-between. If we all speak out now, we can push Gov. Rauner to sign this crucial bill into law--and hold him accountable for winning the governorship as a pro-choice candidate. 

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