
What this 1-year-old needs to live

What this 1-year-old needs to live

In the debate over the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it's easy to get lost in numbers. Under Trumpcare, 24 million more Americans will be uninsured. We will pay 15-20% higher premiums. A 64-year-old single woman with an income of just $26,500 will pay $12,900 more out of pocket for insurance.

But this fight is about people. That's why we made this advertisement featuring a 1-year-old boy named Dean from Reno, Nevada, and his parents, Theresa and Briant. Without the ACA, Dean's parents could lose him -- along with their home.

This week the House will vote on whether to take away your health care and replace it with Trumpcare--a plan that costs more and covers less. We've got momentum: Not a single Democrat supports it, and key moderate House and Senate Republicans started voicing their opposition. Now--as pressure is mounting on Republicans in Congress to oppose this bill--is the time to make sure all of our friends and family know that Trumpcare is a sham. Can you watch this powerful ad and share it with your friends and family?